Sales: 088-02-8415236,088-02-8415237,01811412955

Quality Control

Quality Assurance

The Impetus Gallery Ltd is a professionally managed apparel supply company with a mission to be one of the leading exporters in providing the quality garments from Bangladesh to various customers around the globe.

It's the policy of Impetus Gallery to ensure:

  • Customer satisfaction by all means
  • Providing quality products as per requirement of the buyer.
  • Ensuring quality services in communication & timely delivery of the product.
  • Evaluate the suppliers on a yearly basis.
  • Give safe & hygienic working environment to workers.
  • Improve continuously in the Quality Management System with every year to come.


Quality Objectives

  • To deliver Actual Fabric & Accessories as required by the Buyer.
  • Increasing the export percentage in every year to come.
  • Every supplier must achieve 90% satisfaction of the management of Adroit Linkers during yearly re-evaluation process.
  • Increase Customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce customer complaint.
  • Reduce breakdown percentage of all the machineries.
  • Reduce Machine Maintenance timing.
  • Ensure timely delivery of each order by meeting production target.
  • Increase competency level of the company for each of the employees working in Adroit Linkers by providing necessary training on time.